Our Lessons

Music Playground
Ages 2 to 4
This morning camp is just what toddlers need to learn, explore, and have fun while mom runs errands or just enjoys the morning to herself! You’ll find plenty of fun activities for your little one, including music exploration, arts and crafts, sensory play, and more.

Ages 3 to 6
3…2…1…Blastoff! In this group music class, children are introduced to music concepts through play and exploration! It’s a great way to get them to engage with music as it prepares them for their future musical endeavors.

Ages 3 to 5
Our one-on-one preschooler piano program encourages learning through play and keeps your child excited, motivated, and begging to learn more!

Ages 4 to Adults
Learn the world’s happiest instrument and dive into tons of tunes that will surely put a smile on your face!

Piano Adventures
Ages 6 to Adults
Explore the world of classical, pop, and jazz music! This engaging course will teach you all you’ll need to know about the piano, its techniques, and music theory.

Ages 6 to Adults
Are you Saturn-down for this class or what?! Rock it out in this guitar course, where you will learn to play your favorite tunes just in time to impress your family and friends with your dazzling skills at your next gathering!

Ages 6 to Adults
Welcome to the grooviest class in town! If you’re usually tapping and generating rhythms on random tables and desks, and you love music, this class is perfect for you!

Ages 6 to Adults
Feel over the moon with this vocal course! Unleash the Beyoncé inside of you and discover the full range of your voice. You’ll learn all the techniques you need to sing like a pro!

Certified Course
(ABRSM/Trinity College of London)
Ages 7 to Adults
Raise the Bar! Whether you’re an ambitious musician looking for recognition, or a student wanting to earn UCAS (University and Colleges Admission Service) points that may be applied to your UK university application, our certified courses will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

In Sync Session
Ages 6 to Adults
A match made in heaven! From duets to music games, double up the creativity and go a bundle on this class with your bestie or your sibling!

Audio Techniques
Ages 11 to Adults
Get ready to launch your next big hit! This class will give you the know-how to record, edit and mix your music using various softwares.

Pop & Rock Band Session
Ages 9 to Adults
Explore new areas of musicianship and get hands-on experience in being part of a band! You will get to play a wide range of catchy Pop & Rock songs along with other band mates!